by the sale of 意味

  • ~の売却により


  1. in the spring of 1925 , naruo race track of hanshin horse racing club was leased to hold horse racing , which was the first horse racing event accompanied by the sale of betting tickets based on the horse racing act .


        as is sale:    
        as-is sale:    無保証販売{む ほしょう はんばい}
        for sale:    For Sale 売り物 うりもの
        no sale:    no sale 両替登録[機械]〈97確B0115:電子式金銭登録機用語〉
        not for sale:    Not for sale 非売品 ひばいひん
        on sale:    特価{とっか}で、お買い得な、売りに出した I bought this TV on sale, so it was inexpensive. このテレビはセールで買ったので安かった。
        on sale at:    《be ~》~で安売りしている
        sale:     sale n. 販売; 売れ行き; 売り上げ(高); 特売, バーゲンセール; 競売; 販売業務. 【動詞+】 achieve sensational sales すばらしい売り上げ成績を達成する advertise the sale of… …の競売を広告する The slump has affected car sales. 不況が車の売り上げに影
        (bargain) sale:    (bargain) sale 売り出し 売出 うりだし
        a bulk sale:    a bulk sale 一括売買 いっかつばいばい
        a sale (transaction):    a sale (transaction) 買い取り かいとり
        absolute sale:    単純売買
        accommodation sale:    融通販売{ゆうずう はんばい}
        act of sale:    売買記録{ばいばい きろく}、売渡し証
        active sale:    積極的販売{せっきょく てき はんばい}


  1. "by the roots" 意味
  2. "by the rules" 意味
  3. "by the run" 意味
  4. "by the sacrifice of" 意味
  5. "by the safest method available" 意味
  6. "by the same reasoning" 意味
  7. "by the same token" 意味
  8. "by the score" 意味
  9. "by the sea" 意味
  10. "by the sacrifice of" 意味
  11. "by the safest method available" 意味
  12. "by the same reasoning" 意味
  13. "by the same token" 意味

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